Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Kris Lieckens, Majid Eskandarpour, Mohammad Reihaneh (Paris Campus for Lectures), David Newlands (Paris Campus for E2E game)
David Newlands (Lille Campus Game and Lectures)
Année de formation


Students should have completed an introductory level course in operations management. Students may wish to review an introductory level book to business and management to support their study.
his course is flipped learning - read, listen to recordings and prepare for class. It provides planning and control tools for management of operations.
Materials requirements planning, rank order clustering, to-from analysis and just in time are introduced. (AOL-5C)

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Calculate an MRP sheet and understand the significance of "lowest level code" (AOL-5A).
- Grasp the difficulties of maintaining accurate MRP data and understand the differences between raw data and calculated requirements (Forrester Effect) (AOL-5C).
- List and describe the elements of Just-in-Time, analyse existing products and processes to determine effective clusters of processes, define efficient layouts and identify wastes (AOL-3B)
- Have prepared and tested a corporate diagnostic aid (AOL-3A)
The course provides an introduction to:
Materials Requirements Planning sheets, Lot for Lot, EOQ & Part Period Balancing methods
Describes how MRP fits into MRPII
Identifies problems with MRP use
Short time period versions of MRP data to close the gap to heijunka
Defines Mass production, Lean manufacturing and JIT (JIT1, JIT2, JIT3,) and agile/mass customization
Identifies wastes and philsophies of lean
Conduct a supply chain game three times (mass production mode, JIT3 mode and agile/mass customization mode
Identify wastes in context and action kaikaku radical change initiatives to prove the change is viable.
Visit a company and review their operations via a gemba walk, propose a series of remedial actions to improve flow and efficiency, raise quality, lower cost and ensure delivery.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours PBL 12,00 Come to class already familiar with slides, having listened to lecture recordings, & reflected on the issues
Cours interactif 4,00 End to End Game
E-Learning 12,00 Class lecture recordings, slides reviewed
Travail personnel
Group Project 25,00 Group company visit & report 10 hours, 15 hours minimum Participation Grade Effort
Individual Project 9,50 E2E report based on How it's made cases
Overall student workload 62,00
Students are assessed through participation to both seminars and through an exam
Students must be aware participation is earned via 100 points to earn 25% of the final grade. These consist of tasks with different weightings representing the difficulty and work expectations for those tasks. Only the first 100 points in sequence from beginning to end of the course will be assessed.
Final exam is 40% MCQs, 60% math methods taught during the course.
Two reports - 1) E2E game report applying lessons learned to how it's made video and 2) company gemba walk.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 0,00 9 25,00
Examen partiel 2,00 1 30,00
Rapport écrit 0,00 1 20,00
Projet Collectif 0,00 1 25,00
TOTAL 100,00


Heizer B. & Render J.H. latest edition. Operations management. Pearson. (class book) -
APICS JIT, Supply Chain Management and Production Planning and Control (pdf) via ieseg-online -
End to End cases for Mass production, Just in Time 3, and Agile Mass Customization -
Russel and Taylor, Operations Management, pdf 7th edition -
Materials are provided on IESEG on-line -
Buckingham MRP Trainer Manual -
Ressources Internet