Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Année de formation


Knowledge of Marketing Principles is recommended to study this course, however not essential. Throughout the course students are expected allocate study time to explore selected material and other relevant academic texts and journals to give them the most current view of pressing global environmental issues. Students should be prepared to critically analyse the various approaches that are being debated to address the global concerns that climate change and other environmental sustainability challenges present.
At the end of the course the student should be able to :

- Effectively apply a range of Environmental Marketing Principles to issues of global significance;
- Demonstrate how Environmental Marketing differs from other Marketing sub-disciplines such as ‘Social Marketing’ and ‘Cause Related Marketing’;
- Understand of how Environmental Marketing frameworks can be applied to develop opportunities to better meet the expectations of today’s consumer;
- Apply skills they have learned throughout the course by developing strategies that address emerging environmental challenges.
- Appreciate how economies are being influenced by Environmental Sustainability challenges.
- Session1: The session will introduce the fundamental differences between Marketing sub-disciplines such as "Social Marketing", "Cause Related Marketing" and "Environmental Marketing".
- Session 2a: This session provides students with a background into how successful research methodologies have played a critical role in developing strategies that have influenced behaviour change.
- Session 2b: This session introduces unique segmentation, target audience selection and positioning frameworks to achieve 'Environmental Sustainability' objectives.
- Session 3: This session considers Integrated Marketing Communications, the importance of Stakeholder Management and explores the role of the New Media.
- Session 4: Students will be required to present a practical case analysis that applies key frameworks and strategies that have been addressed throughout the course.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours magistral 10,00 The course combines lectures with interactive class forums. This structure allows for consistent personal feedback.
Travaux dirigés 6,00
Travail personnel
Individual Project 4,00
Group Project 3,00 Both the presentation and the group assignment will be related to the same topic. The majority of personal work will be allocated to this task.
Charge de travail personnel indicative 5,00
Recherche 2,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 2,00
Overall student workload 32,00
* Industry based group assignment: 30% (written feedback that is based on a template provided to students)
* Group presentation: 20%(written and verbal feeback is provided to students at the conclusion of their presentation).
* Exam: 50%
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Exercices 2,00 1 20,00
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 2,00 1 50,00
Projet Collectif 6,00 1 30,00
TOTAL 100,00


Kollock, P (1998), Social Dilemmas: The Anatomy of Cooperation, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 24,183 – 214 -
Steg.L, Dreijerink.L, Abrahamse.W (2009) Factors in?uencing the acceptability of energy policies: A test of VBN theory, Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (2005) 415–425 -
Stern, N (2006) Stern Review Final Report: The Economics of Climate Change - (full executive summary) -
Summary for Policymakers - IPCC (2007, In: Climate Change 2007: Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, 2013, Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Summary for Policymakers -