
Etablissement : ECOLE DU NUMERIQUE

Langue : Anglais

Période : S1

Basic knowledge in programming

This course aims at providing the learners coming from multiple backgrounds with basic knowledge and skills in programming and algorithm design. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

– Apply basic programming concepts.

– Use the Python language for the development of computer programs.

Design and implement algorithms to solve practical cases.

Introduction to Programming

Algorithms and flowcharts

Python syntax

Basic datatypes

Character strings

Lists, tuples, and dictionaries

Scripts and functions/methods

Branch instructions ; conditional statements and loops

Python modules (including for example: datetime, math, etc…) and module creation

File processing


Searching and sorting algorithms

Opening (i.e., open-ended topics to be further developed in later courses):

– Introduction to object-oriented programming

Introduction to data processing and data science