Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : Spanish

Période : S1

Beginners level:
No required

Intermediates level:
Basic vocabulary
Present tense
The student must be able to maintain a basic conversation of at least five minutes.

Beginners Level:
The student can understand and use the present tense (regular e irregular verbs) grammatical structure basic, business vocabulary and frequently used expressions related to the work opportunities. Can describe his background, work environment with autonomy, explained his daily activities and speak of his coworkers (physically and personality). The student should be able to speak and write simples situation in Spanish related with daily and professional situations.

Intermediates Level:
The student can understand and use the present tense (regular and irregular verbs) differents gramatical structures (gerondif, expresion of the obligation), business vocabulary and frequently used expressions related to the work opportunities. Can describe his background, work environment with autonomy and explained his daily activities.
The student should be able to speak and write in Spanish intermediat level related with the profesional situation.

Beginners level:
Presentation (personal and professional basic vocabulary)
Make the description of the people, the office and the company.
Organize the work activities step by step.
Talk about tasks assignments
Explain the mains goals

Intermediates level:
Spanish basics review
Introduce yourself and someone
The enterprise ( organisations, descriptions)
The product
Telephonique calls
Professionals diner