Fondamentaux du E-commerce – Economie de E-commerce
Année du cours : 1 année(s)
Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management
Langue : English
Formation(s) dans laquelle/lesquelles le cours apparait :
Période : S1
Analytics skills are a prerquisite: the student is already able to define a marketing strategy before an Ecommerce strategy (Porter, SWOT…) and he knows the different steps of an IT project and how to manage it (Gannt…)
At the end of this course, the students should be able to :
Define the different steps of an Ecommerce Strategy according to the DNA of the Brand
Understand methodologies and uses cases of Merchandising and Warehousemanagement
Understand the differences between a B to B and a B to C strategy
Understand to use the M-Commerce in a global strategy
Social Commerce does really exists?
Realise an ecommerce platform
Links with CRM
Context and Definition
1.1 History of Ecomerce
Vision and founder with Alibaba, Amazon and Fnac
1.2. The relationship between a brand and a customer in a connected world
New behaviors and new business model (click and collect, Drive…) Examples: Comptoir des cotonniers, Nespresso
1.3 Differences between Ecommerce, Delegation, Marketplace…
2. Methodologies
2.1 How to build an efficient Ecommerce Programm
2.2. Merchandising
2.3. Warehousemanagement: Security and high delivery
3. The future of ecommerce
4 Ecommerce and CRM (Find, win, keep)