Global Food Security

Année du cours : Aucune valeur renseignée

Etablissement : ESPOL European School of Political and Social Sciences

Langue : Anglais

Période : S2

According to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, about 11.7 per cent of the world’s population faced severe food insecurity in 2021. Trends in food and nutrition-related conditions like micronutrient deficiency, stunting and wasting among children, and obesity are above global expectations. While the most affected are in developing countries, food insecurity is a global problem that requires global measures and interventions. This condition contrasts with the substantial progress in food production. There is, therefore, a need for a closer examination of the immediate and underlying causes of the problem.

In addition to poverty and lack of entitlements, the state and distribution of food insecurity reflect the interplay of complex economic, social, and political factors at the global and national levels. The course provides a survey of contemporary literature on food security to identify the salient issues that affect the problem from a global perspective.