International development strategies

Etablissement : Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Licences

Langue : Anglais

Période : S3

General knowledge of business environment.

Good comprehension of English.

Help the students to identify the leverages of strategic international development by

  • Understanding the local environments and diversity: political, economic, cultural, social, legal, sustainability,…

  • Leaning on resources. Identify the existing ones and find new ones, internally and externally.

  • Mobilize the diversity of each stakeholder to optimize the international approach (international management)

Build and write an effective strategy to reach international markets and customers and succeed in its operational implementation :

  • The key steps of the strategy building

  • The integration of multi-cultural environments in the strategy

  • Make your strategy readable and understandable in a diverse environment

Allow the students to build their own toolbox, made up of concrete, pragmatic actions that can be quickly used as future International Developers

With learning tools, case studies and group sharing, the other objectives of this course are :

  • Identify the role and the main missions and functions of the strategic international developer.

  • Understand personal skills and soft skills for an appropriate and open communication within a diverse team or organization.

  • Build the toolbox of the agile international developers for team leading, project management and strategic decision-making.

1. Introduction to International Strategies

2. The key steps to build the Development strategies :

  • Methodology to assess the opportunities and the risks of the targeted markets (SWOT matrix, PESTEL)

  • Fix the right objectives : smart method,

  • Identify the needed resources

  • Method of scoring of the potential scenarii and choice the most efficient and profitable options

  • Implement the International Strategy into concrete action plans

3. The different approach of local markets :

  • Direct or remote tools

  • Focus on the digital prospection

  • Distribution methods : local and integrated sales force, local agents, distributors…

4. Understand the multicultural and local environments

5. Transversal skills and mindset for successful international strategies : personal skills and soft skills and communication around international strategies of development.

6. Mobilize the teams and resources with the international projects, especially when remote

7. Build the toolbox for agile international development strategies : adaptative mindset + agility tools

8. Make our international strategies full of sense, values and sustainability.