Lecture d'oeuvre : From Ancient Rome to Czech Republic, a journey through European Literatury and Political Masterpieces

Etablissement : ESPOL European School of Political and Social Sciences

Langue : Anglais

Période : S3

“L’Europe n’a pas réussi à penser sa littérature comme une unité historique et je ne cesserai de répéter que c’est là son irréparable échec intellectuel”, le cours From Ancient Rome to Czech Republic, a journey European Literary and Political Masterpieces propose une réponse littéraire européenne à la déploration du romancier Tchèque, Milan Kundera. Ce cours s’adresse à des étudiants ayant le goût de la lecture et/ou intégrant la littérature européenne parmi les sources d’informations et de connaissances géopolitiques.

Faire découvrir lors de chaque rencontre, une ou deux oeuvres littéraires incontournables de la production européenne.

Faire prendre en charge systématiquement par un ou une étudiant(e) la présentation de l’oeuvre en question via un exposé.

Faire intervenir systématiquement à chaque rencontre un ou une spécialiste du domaine littéraire et du pays européen concernés.

18/09/2024 Guy Fontaine, Professeur, Kristyna Matysova, spécialiste des langue et littérature tchèques

Cours d’introduction:

« Polish writer Mariusz SZCZYGIEL’s novel Gottland describes the years of Stalinism in Tchekoslovakia. We are in 1949, the year during which dictator Joseph STALIN’s 70th birthday is celebrated in Praha. »

A journey through Czech Literature:


The Unbearable Lightness of Beeing, Kundera, Faber and Faber, 1999
– Czech short story, in Fictions Européennes/English Translation, CNES: A journey to the moon, Teresa Brdeckova

25/09/2024 Mathilde-Eléonore Duhot

The figure of Shakespear as a tool for legitimation in women’s writing (17th – 20th centuries):


– Spanish short story, in Fictions Européennes/English Translation, CNES: The Waves, José Manuel Fajardo (2008); Les Vagues, José Manuel Fajardo (2008), Olas, José Manuel Fajardo (2008)
cf pièce jointe (2)
– English short story, in Fictions Européennes/English Translation, CNES: Bon appétit, Caroline Price (2008)

02/10/2024 Luc Devoldere, Belgian editor, writer, member of Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium Literature

Humanism in the Low Countries during the 16th Century:

The lecture will focus on the role of Latin as lingua franca of the Republic of Letters in Europe. Three authors from the Low Countries, writing in Latin, will shortly be introduced: the iconic humanist and scholar Erasmus, the mannerist love poet Janus Secundus and the diplomat and scholar Angerius Busbequius (Ogier Gisleen van Busbeke).

With excerpts in English translation from “Laus Stultitiae”, Praise of Folly (Erasmus) ; “Basia”, Kisses (Janus Secundus) and “Turcicae epistolae”, Turkish Letters (Ogier Gisleen van Busbeke).


Prays of Folly, by Erasmus

L’Eloge de la folie, le livre de Poche, Erasme

09/10/2024 Luc Devoldere, Belgian editor, writer, memberof Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Literature

Imperium Romanum: a political experiment of empirical pragmatism

Rome gave Europe the political construction of the Imperium Romanum. This construction continues to fascinate through its pragmatism and empiricism (Emperor Hadrian and Trajan). The lecture also focuses on the experience, coveted by Plato, of a philosopher in power: Marcus Aurelius.


Les Mémoires d’Hadrien, Marguerite Yourcenar, Folio-Gallimard, 1951



23/10/2024 Bernadette Gora, specialist of Polish Literature and language

A journey through Polish Literature


Polish short story, in Fictions Européennes/English Translation, CNES: Back to Work, Piotr Müldner (2008) ; Fini de Glander, Piotr Müldner (2008) ; Koniec Leniuchowania, Piotr Müldner (2008)

06/11/2024 Velina Minkoff, Bulgarian novelist

The Socialist realism in Bulgaria through Poems and Pop Songs


– Bulgarian short story in Fictions Européennes:English Translation, CNES: And Everything Became Moon, Guéorgui Gospodinov

13/11/2024 Timour Muhidine, Professor of Turkish Literature and Language INALCO Paris, and novelist

A journey through Turkish literature, from the origine to Oran Pamuk


La fille de l’Ethnographe, Timour Muhidine, Editions Emmanuelle Collas, 2022

20/11/2024 Alexandre Toumarkine, Professor of Turkish Literatre and Language, INALCO Paris ; Adrian Lesenciuc, Romancier et officier supérieur de l’armée de l’air roumaine

European Literature and