Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S2

Basic knowledge in microeconomics, interest in strategic market analysis,
some knowledge of game theory or industrial organization is helpful but not required.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Analyze the different forms of competitive forces in markets
Understand and analyze the sources and strategic use of market power
Understand the policy framework—regulation, competition policy and antitrust—that shapes the market environment
Learn about and analyze important competition policy cases, such as European Commission vs. Google

The course has two parts: In the first part, an introduction to modern industrial economics is given in interactive lectures. In the second part, strategic market analysis is put to practice: Students analyze, write a report and present a competition policy case such as European Commission (EC) vs. Google, EC vs. Intel, the Visa/Mastercard case, etc. Many cases for many different markets (e.g. pharmaceuticals, football transmission rights, airline industry) including merger cases available.

Outline Part I: Interactive Lecture
1. Introduction to Market Analysis and Competition Policy
2. Firms, Consumers and the Market
3. Sources of Market Power: Product differentation, Advertising, Bundling, Consumer Inertia, …
4. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation
5. Focus Session: The Economics of Platforms and Network Goods
6. Competition Policy: Regulation and Antitrust