Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S1 ou S2

Cultural awareness and open mindedness of attitudes.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Present various works of visual art with a critical eye; situate the works of art in their historical
context; give personal opinion about a work of art; be confortable with the vocabulary of visual
arts; understand and master the basics of drawing, colour and 3D modeling; set up a personal
artistic creation process, demonstrate personal commitment in the realisation of an original
visual artwork; design a poster which has significant visual impact ; value his/her work.

Definitions and functions of art; History of art; Artistic movements and their most
represesentative artists (e.g. Impressionism, Expressionism, Abstraction, Surrealism)
Oral presentations (with a written report) of works of art with description, analysis and personl
opinion; showing an understanding of the artistic movement of this work as well as of the artistic
technique : design, use of colours, volume, collage, integration of objects and various materials.
Workshops : spontaneous drawing, poster, modeling, colour values, collage and various
techniques. Visit to a Museum: sketches of original artworks.
Personal art project (draft, realisation, presentation).
Exhibition of some of the student’s works.