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Project Management

Etablissement : Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Masters

Langue : Anglais

Période : S3

General knowledge of business environment

Good comprehension of English

Projects allow organizations to implement their vision and strategy.

In global companies or organization, project management enables managers and leaders to successfully conduct the projects and changes with their teams, especially in multicultural and/or remote environments.

This course is a blend of project management methodology and personal skills that empower the students to contribute and lead international projects with agility, speed and effectiveness.

The main objectives of this course are :

– Understand the main concepts of project management : goals, methods, assessment, performance

– Integrate the specificities of international or remote context in the project management

– Develop management and communication skills to engage teams and leaders

Understand the necessary mindset and the collaborative tools for an agile response to projects within organizations and environment that require speed and flexibility.

This course divided into 8 sessions covers 3 main blocs

Bloc 1 : the concepts of project management

  • Introduction to main concepts of project management
  • The processes of project management : planning, analysis, design, testing, development, control, assessment, deployment
  • Metrics of Cost, Time and Quality
  • Management of the risk
  • Project management toolbox to drive performance

Bloc 2 : Stakeholders and team members in the projects

  • Interpersonal communication with and between project’s stakeholders
  • Transversal skills and mindset for successful international projects
  • International and cultural diversity and alignment on the objectives and the process
  • Engage remote communities

Bloc 3 : Agility and flexibility to drive speed, efficiency and business

  • Build an adaptive team
  • Agile tools
  • Corrective actions for project duplication
  • Prevent project failures