Année du cours : 1 année(s)
Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management
Langue : English
Formation(s) dans laquelle/lesquelles le cours apparait :
Période : S1 et S2
Basic concepts in organization and strategy from core courses.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Have greater awareness of the main issues involved in managing strategically in an international and complex business context
2. Identify and evaluate the key strategic choices available to organizations
3. Understand how to implement strategy through intensive case study work on various strategy topics
4. Demonstrate an ability to think critically and assess strategic performance
5. Develop a deeper understanding of the following concepts:
– Vision, mission, values, and external environment
– Competitive advantage and firms’ competences
– Business model innovation and platforms in a digital world
– Corporate strategy and growth modes
Course Outline:
• Session 1: Introduction (vision, mission, values) and the analysis of the external environment
• Session 2: The sustainability of competitive advantage and firms’ competences
• Session 3: Business model innovation and platforms in a global digital world
• Session 4: International strategic options and growth modes (organic development, M&A, and alliances)