Corporate finance
Etablissement : Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences Masters
Langue : Anglais
Formation(s) dans laquelle/lesquelles le cours apparait :
- Master Finance Responsable Durable [ECTS : 2,00]
Période : S3
The course describes the main principles of corporate finance and puts the emphasis on its usefulness from a managerial perspective.
We assume that you are comfortable with the issues covered in the bachelor program, in particular these related to: management economics, accounting, finance, financial reporting.
The course adopts a managerial perspective, with lectures supported by real-life case studies.
The aim of this course is to:
- Develop a good understanding of the key topics in corporate finance, as well as the ability to understand and use financial concepts in the professional context.
- Provide tools to analyze the financial relations between the company and the various stakeholders (shareholders, banks, public authorities, etc.) and to participate in the decision-making process.
- Develop the ability to understand, critically analyze and evaluate the economic situation and its role in the business environment of the company.
1. Financial performance Analysis
- What is financial analysis §
- Corporate wealth analysis
- Investment analysis
- The nature of working capital
- Capital expenditure analysis
- Case studies
2. Investment decisions rules
- Time value of money
- Cost of capital
- Measuring value creation
- Investment criteria
- Net Present Value
- Internal Rate of Return
- Case study
3. Capital structure and cost of capital
- Company financing structure
- Equity versus debt financing
- Cost of Equity Model
- Leverage, risk and cost of capital
- Exercises