Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S1 ou S2


This course consists of:
– Developing critical thought and scientific reasoning
– Developing the ability of students to do research, to analyse and summarize information about a specific subject
– Introducing students to the notion of time in a contemporary economic context from both a historical and prospective point of view
– Defining a general framework for the global economic evolution from the Middle-Ages until now

-At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
– Know the ins and outs of economic globalization.
– Produce, as a team, a report on a specific subject and present it persuasively to an audience

Chapitre 1 : L’avènement de la mondialisation, rencontre entre Orient et Occident, XI-XVème siècles
Chapitre 2 : Le monde à l’heure européenne (XVIème –XVIIème siècles)
Chapitre 3 : Europe-Asie, la grande divergence (XVIII-XIXème siècles)
Chapitre 4 : De la mondialisation à la globalisation (XXème-XXIème siècles)