Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S2

*** Students should have taken the introductory course on negotiations PRACTICAL NEGOTIATION SKILLS.
*Prior knowledge about negotiation or business experience is also a plus but not compulsory.

At the end of the course the student should be able to :

• Gain a broad, intellectual understanding of central concepts in multi-party negotiation as they apply in a variety of contexts.
• Build confidence in negotiation skills, specifically concerning multiparty contexts.
• Improve analytical abilities for understanding and predicting the behavior of others in multi-party negotiation settings.
• Develop a toolkit of useful negotiation skills, strategies, and approaches in complex negotiations.

Students will be presented with negotiation analysis tools that address the relationship, content and process of multi-party negotiations. They will be presented with cases and will be given practical tools and strategies to manage these types of negotiations. In addition to reviewing the principled method of negotiation, the course will cover:

– Negotiating in teams
– Analysis and negotiation of complex, multi-issue deals
– Dispute resolution and mediation