Année du cours : 3 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S1

Awareness of and interest for world international relations and geopolitics;
Awareness of and interest for the legal dimension of the International Law (UN, etc.);
Fluency in English;
Basic knowledge of legal English (or active willingness to learn it during the course)

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Understand what Public International Law is
Recognize the fundamental institutions of Public International Law
Understand the basic principles of Public International Law
Understand the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and its functioning
Be able to comprehend a decision of the International Court of Justice

Course outline:
1. What is Public International Law
a. History
b. Definition (& difference with International Relations)
c. Subjects (States, International Organizations, Individuals)
d. Sources
2. What is a State in International Law
3. Fundamental Principles of Public International Law
4. Principal International Organizations (UN & Agencies, WTO, NATO, EU…)
5. International Courts & Tribunals (ICJ, ITLOS, DSB, ECJ, ECtHR…)

1. The UN
a. The Charter
b. General Assembly
c. Security Council
d. The International Court of Justice
2. Self-determination (& recognition)
3. Use of force (& R2P)
4. Case-law