Année du cours : 1 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S2

Awareness and understanding of the marketing concept

Awareness and understanding of market and customer orientation

General secondary/desk Market and customer research skills

General understanding of the difference and relationship between sales and marketing functions

General group presentation and team working skills

• Demonstrate how to elicit deep customer value understanding in business to business customer contexts

• Understand characterstics and attributes if customer value in a business to business context.

• Develop and deliver effective customer centred value propositions using the Value Stack Framework

• Critically reflect on what makes effective business to business value orientated selling competence and capability

Students will enagage in a practical activities that reflect the sequence and activities involved in a business to business sales engagement with a customer. Students will form small teams and act as a sales organisation and role play interactions with a customer over a typical sales cycle.

The principles of SPIN selling (Rackham) and Value-ology (Kelly Danheiser Johnston) will be used as the underpinning framework of seller/buyer interactions that move from understanding the customer problem to defining a potential solutions through to a formal presentation of a value proposition to the customer.

The practical aspects of the module are grounded in academic reseach into understanding value, consultative selling, the value proposing actor, face to face sales techniques and social influence, persuasion and business presentation.