Secrets of an Effective English Presentation

Année du cours : 6 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S1 ou S2

This intensive course is for NON-NATIVE speakers and exchange students, who have limited experience in giving presentations and who are interested in gaining the skills and savoir faire in delivering interactive presentations with confidence, dynamism and using good body language that will keep their audience alert, interested and wanting more.

1. Begin presentations with a “hook.”
2. Interact with their audience.
3. Use good body language
4. Use specific vocabulary
5. Understand and use the Rule of 6 when preparing visual aids
5. Feel comfortable, confident and at ease giving a presentation in front of an audience
6. Deal with Q&A session

– different presentation styles shown and used
– preparation of eye-catching visual aids
– tips on how to deal with nervousness
– tips on how to deliver a powerful message
– tips on how to use verbal and non-verbal communication
– ways of engaging listeners and interacting with the audience