Année du cours : 4 année(s)

Etablissement : IÉSEG School of Management

Langue : English

Période : S1

Students need an exposure to economics, industrial economics and finance.

*** Provide a catch-up strategy class for master students who could not attend Fundamentals of Strategy (Bachelor 3) and didn’t have the opportunity to enroll in a similar strategy class while abroad.

The objective of the course is to put students in the condition to:

* Define and understand the concept of strategy
* Identify and evaluate the key strategic choices available to organizations
* Demonstrate and raise awareness of the main issues involved in managing strategically
* Understand and apply relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks of strategic management to organizations.

This course is offered to make sure every master student at IESEG has been exposed to the core concepts of strategy. This is particularly important for those students that intend to choose electives in strategy.
The whole program and its contents (initially designed and created by Anna Canato and which are progressively updated) are available on and McGraw Hill’s Connect which will require students to watch, listen and read contents and complete exercises. The platforms allow communication with the professors when needed.