Virtual and augmented reality
Etablissement : ECOLE DU NUMERIQUE
Langue : Français
Formation(s) dans laquelle/lesquelles le cours apparait :
- Master UX & Marketing Digital [ECTS : 3,00]
Période : S3
Basic programming concepts
– This course provides an introduction to the concepts and applications of virtual and augmented reality in the field of marketing. Students will explore the potential of these emerging technologies and their impact on consumer behavior, brand engagement, and marketing strategies. Through a combination of theoretical discussions, case studies, and hands-on projects, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of virtual and augmented reality technologies and their practical applications in marketing campaigns
– Module 1: Introduction to Virtual and Augmented Reality.
– Module 2: Case Studies on the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Marketing.
– Module 3: Basics of AR using Meta Spark, including creating, testing, and publishing AR projects.
– Module 4: Advanced AR techniques with 2D target trackers, face tracking, occlusion techniques, and the Patch Editor.
– Module 5: Implementing advanced features such as scripting, user input, audio integration, custom rendering, and project optimization.
– Module 6: Ethical and Legal Considerations in VR and AR Marketing.
– Module 7: Team Project to create interactive AR posters for a business