Erasmus+ Mobility 2021-2027

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2021-2027: full of European experiences

The Université Catholique de Lille (F LILLE11) has been involved in the Erasmus programme since it was set up at the end of the 1980s. In recent years, it has been the 2nd French university to carry out the most Erasmus exchanges per year (over 1300).

The Erasmus program

Erasmus supports actions in education, training, youth and sport. The programme aims to give students, trainees, pupils, teachers, staff, etc. the opportunity to spend time abroad for study or work placements, with the aim of consolidating their knowledge, skills and employability.

Our commitments in Erasmus+

As part of the 2021-2027 program, the Université Catholique de Lille has set itself 5 priorities:

Common priorities

The Université Catholique de Lille and Erasmus+ share common priorities. UCLille places the individual at the centre of all its actions and also emphasizes the importance of caring for the planet.

Student life experience

It echoes Erasmus+ focus on inclusion, the digitalisation of mobility procedures and the European Student Card Initiative with the aim to improve students’ services.

Developing international and intercultural training for staff

in particular through staff mobility.

Educational innovation

This is further enhanced by the hybrid mobility that UCLille encourages and develops from year to year to reach new student groups.

Join the Erasmus+ program

Erasmus Days
Every year, the University and its faculties and schools join the Erasmus Days. Erasmus Days are an opportunity to share and exchange ideas on everything that makes up Erasmus+: travelling, meeting new people, open-mindedness, etc. Through this event, the University is also illustrating its commitment to citizenship and respect for the environment!
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Europe Day
The Université Catholique de Lille is taking part in the national event to celebrate Europe during the Fête de l'Europe on 9 May and throughout the month of May. Each year, this is an opportunity for the University to highlight its commitment to Erasmus and its activities through a varied programme in link with European diversity, European citizenship and European cultures.
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International Erasmus+ weeks
Every year, the Université Catholique de Lille welcomes staff from partner universities as part of the Erasmus programme. During 1 week, a rich programme is offered to participants to teach or get trained on some specific themes such as: sustainable development, educational innovation and internationalisation.
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For more information

The Université Catholique de Lille consortium brings together the following charters: F LILLE78, F LILLE79 (IESEG), F LILLE81 (ISEN), F LILLE83 (HEI), F LILLE80 (De la Salle), F LILLE85 (Saint Jude), F LILLE 51 (ISA).