Doctoral policy

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The Institut Catholique de Lille and the Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France: partners in doctoral excellence

The Université Catholique de Lille and the Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (UPHF) have formed a strategic alliance of projects, particularly in the form of research work at the interfaces between disciplines and research units, to provide a collective response to the major contemporary challenges facing our societies, particularly those relating to artificial intelligence, mobility and transport, the creative industries and an ageing population. 


This strategic and historic alliance has led to the integration of 5 ICL research units into the PHF Doctoral School (Doctoral School no. 635):


C3RD (Centre de Recherche sur les Relations entre les Risques et Le Droit; Faculty of Law),


LITL (Lille Interdisciplinary Transitions Laboratory; Faculty of Management, Economics and Science and JUNIA),

MUSE (Communication, Society, Environment; Faculty of Letters and Humanities),

ETHICS EA 7446, several teams of which are supported or co-supported by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Medicine, Maieutics and Health Sciences, the School of Social Sciences (ESSLIL) and the ISTC.

The ICL’s teacher-researchers and doctoral students are involved in the “Sciences and Technologies” and “Societies and Humanities” divisions of the École Doctorale Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France, a school whose distinctive feature is to promote interdisciplinarity, not only between the disciplines of a single division, but also between the disciplines of two different divisions (poly-sciences crossover), with a view to producing bi-disciplinary theses.

At the ICL, 100% of doctoral theses are defended in less than 4 years for successful professional integration

The ICL implements a clear and ambitious doctoral policy, the aim of which is to encourage the completion of single- and bi-disciplinary doctoral theses registered with the PHF ED and recognised for their quality, with a view to strengthening the ICL’s academic research activity and training in and through research, while encouraging the professional integration of the doctoral students trained.


The ICL’s doctoral ambitions are underpinned by a strategy to increase the number of teacher-researchers and researchers qualified to supervise research (10 HDRs by 2023). 


The ICL is also committed to helping doctoral candidates and their supervisors create the best possible conditions for enrolling in a doctoral programme, both in terms of building their scientific project and in the search for funding (around 50 doctoral students in 2023-24).


Etudiants dans les jardins

Laboratory research themes

Law, Legal and Political Science: ESPOL LAB and C3RD

Ethics and Deontology: ETHICS EA7446

Automation, Mechanics, Computing, Biomechanics: LAMIH

Ultrasound, Telecommunications, Acoustic Microsystems: IEMN-DOAE

Ceramic Materials and Associated Processes: CERAMATHS LMCPA department

Mathematics and applications: CERAMATHS LAMAV department and LMI department

Law, Economics, Legal and Political Sciences, History, Geography: LARSH CRISS department

Information, Communication, Civil Engineering: LARSH DeVisu department

Cultures, Arts, Literature, History, Imaginary, Society: LARSH DeScripto department


Nicolas VAILLANT, Vice-Chairman, Vice-Rector Research

Agathe REYNAERT, General Secretary, Vice-Rector Research, ETHICS EA 7446

Blandine MALLEVAEY, Professor, ICL 2030 Doctoral Policy Manager


Find out more :

The UPHF doctoral school

Scientific fields (Mentions) and Disciplines (Specialities) proposed by ED PHF

ADUM, the internet portal for information, services and communication for doctoral students and PhDs


Online documentation :

Thesis guide

Tutorial: Submitting a thesis on ADUM

Tutorial: Registering for the first year of a thesis

logo ADICL

ADICL, Association of Doctoral Students at the Institut Catholique de Lille

A meeting place, training and support for young researchers. ADICL, the Association des Doctorants de l’Institut catholique de Lille, was founded in March 2024. It welcomes most of the doctoral students currently enrolled in the ICL’s faculties, laboratories and research units, most of whom are enrolled in the PHF ED.  


Its purpose is to protect the interests of doctoral students and young doctors at the ICL and its affiliates. It creates links and exchanges between doctoral students, initiates scientific events and promotes their research work. 


As a cohesive group, the association offers everyone a place to support their thesis work, in particular by organising meetings between young researchers.

The association is a free and independent structure that promotes scientific, ethical and human values.

Members of the ADICL board :

Co-presidents : Emma MIQUEL and Anastasia CONROUX

Secretary: Héloïse MICHELON

Vice-secretary: Irène LABEE-LAVIGNE

Treasurer: Caroline DELABRE

Vice-treasurer: Cassandre DEGRANDE



Bureau ADICL