Information systems

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



This course provides a variety of opportunities for students to learn current IS-led business and strategic issues. Students will learn these strategic issues and critical challenges through, in-class activities, case studies, team projects, and individual assignments.
No particular knowledge is required before starting the course


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Analyze latest trends of IS-led phenomena and its organizational, global, and societal impacts.
- Critically evaluate the strategic impacts of IS implementations.
- Identify critical issues in IS challenges and propose potential solutions. contribute to strategic conversations about the roles of information systems in organizations


Lecture 1: What is MIS today ?

At the end of this lecture students will :

  • Be able to explain what an Information system is

  • Be able to explain the differences between information and data

  • Be able to spot main challenges associated with IS today

  • Be able to explain the role of information systems in companies/organizations

  • Understanding ethical issues associated with IS implementation and use

  • Be sensitized to the topic of technostress

Lecture 2: Strategic information systems & MIS collaboration tools

At the end of this lecture students will :

  • Understand the evolution of IS

  • Be able to describe the main types of IS

  • Be able to explain what collaborative technologies are, how they work and their impacts for organization and management

  • Understand resistance to IS implementation

Lecture 3: IS infrastructures & Emerging technologies

At the end of this lecture students will :

  • Be able to explain stages in IT infrastructure evolution

  • Understand what cloud computing is

  • Know what are key elements to consider when determining how to make the right IS investment decision

  • Understand why information are vulnerables

  • Be able to define the tools available to secure IS

Lecture 4: Digital strategies & innovation

At the end of this lecture students will :

  • Be able to explain the difference between doing digital and being digital

  • Understand how digital reshape companies

  • Understand driving forces in e-commerce

  • Be able to take into consideration mobile design requirements

  • Be able to explain what the sharing economy is


Modalités d'enseignement

The classes will be greatly enriched by the full participation of students sharing their perspectives and their experiences. The success of the course will depend heavily upon out-of-class preparation and in-class participation.

Pedagogical methods are likely to evolve depending on the pandemic’s constraints.

The course is made of lectures and practical classes mixing case studies, discussion.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1



<ul> <li>Laudon, J. &amp; Laudon,K. (2020) Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition, 16th Ed., Pearson. </li> <li>Baskerville RL, Myers MD, Youngjin Yo. (2020) “Digital First: The Ontological Reversal and New Challenges for Information Systems Research”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 44, n°2, p.509-523.</li> <li>Spierings, A., Kerr, D., &amp; Houghton, L. (2017), "Issues That Support The Creation Of ICT Workarounds: Towards A Theoretical Understanding Of Feral Information Systems", <i>Information Systems Journal</i>, Vol. 27, n°6, p. 775– 794.</li> <li>Sun, H., Wright, R.T., Thatcher, J. (2019), "Revisiting the Impact of System Use on Task Performance: An Exploitative-Explorative System Use Framework", <i>Journal of the Association for Information Systems</i>, Vol. 20, n°4, Article 3.</li> <li>Tarafdar, M., Pullins, E.B., Ragu-Nathan, T.S. (2015), "Technostress: Negative Effect on Performance and Possible Mitigations: Effect of Technostress on Performance", <i>Information Systems Journal</i>, Vol. 25, n°2, p. 103–32.</li> <li>Vodanovich, S., Sundaram, D., &amp; Myers, M.D. (2010). "Research Commentary - Digital Natives and Ubiquitous Information Systems", <i>Information Systems Research</i>, Vol. 21, n°4, p. 711-723.</li> <li>Zhang, S., Zhao, L., Lu, Y., Yang, J. (2016), "Do you get tired of socializing? An empirical explanation of discontinuous usage behaviour in social network services", <i>Information Management, </i>Vol. 53, n° 7, p. 904–914. </li> </ul>