Introduction to international relations

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



I - COURSE PRESENTATION: The learning goals and objectives of this course are the following: first, introduce students to basic IR concepts and theories; second: give students the tools to identify and analyze current global challenges.

The issues studied and discussed deal with current global trends and challenges, why and how they may be related to one another: Global power shifts, Climate change, Wealth and Poverty, Global governance, economic and political Regionalism.


  1. The making of the modern world

  2. Realism, Liberalism in today’s world

  3. One world, Many actors

  4. Global civil society

  5. Global political economy

  6. Regional political integration

  7. Constructivism, (Conditional) Sovereignty and Responsibility to Protect

  8. How the Environment became mainstream


  1. International Relations (2017), ed. by Stephen McGlinchey, chapter 1

  2. International Relations Theory (2017), ed. by Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters & Christian Scheinpflug, chapters 1 & 2

  3. International Relations (2017), chapter 3

  4. International Relations (2017), chapter 7

  5. International Relations (2017), chapter 8


Examen : coeff. 1



|| <b>Manuels</b>|| <ul> <li>Batistella Dario, [2003]. <i>Théorie des relations internationales</i> Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.</li> <li>Smouts Marie-Claude, [1998]. <i>Les nouvelles relations internationales. Pratiques et théories</i>, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po; translated: Smouts Marie-Claude, [2001 (1998)]. <i>The New International Relations. Theory and Practice</i>, London, Hurst.</li> <li>Siméant Johanna, [2016]. <i>Guide l’enquête globale en sciences sociales</i>, Paris, CNRS Editions.</li> <li>Baylis John, Smith Steve, Owens Patricia, <i>The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to international relations</i>, 6th edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.</li> </ul> <b>Ouvrages de référence </b>|| <ul> <li>Bartelson Jens, 2001. <i>Critique of the state</i></li> <li>Bartelson Jens, 1995. <i>Genealogy of Sovereignty</i></li> <li>Bull Hedley, 2002 [1977]. <i>The Anarchical Society. A study of Order in World Politics</i>.</li> <li>Clastres Pierre, 1980. <i>Archéologie de la violence.</i></li> <li>Clastres Pierre, 1980. <i>La société contre l’Etat.</i></li> <li>Devereux S., 2007. <i>The New Famines: Why Famines Persist in an Era of Globalization</i>, Oxon (UK): Routledge.</li> <li>Elias Norbert, 1975 [1939], <i>La dynamique de l’Occident.</i></li> <li>Keohane Robert, Nye Joseph, 1977. <i>Power and interdependance</i>.</li> <li>Mattelart Armand, 1999. <i>Histoire de l'utopie planétaire. De la cité prophétique à la société globale</i>.</li> <li>McLuhan Marshall, <i>La galaxie Gutenberg.</i></li> <li>Morgenthau Hans, 1948. <i>Politics among nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace</i>.</li> <li>Onuf Nicholas, 1989. <i>World of our making</i>.</li> <li>Ruggie John, 1998. <i>Constructing World Polity</i>.</li> <li>Saïd Edward, <i>L'Orientalisme. L'Orient créé par l'Occident</i>.</li> <li>Sloterdijck Peter, <i>Le palais de cristal.</i></li> <li>Todorov Tzvetan,<i> La découverte de l’Amérique.</i></li> <li>Walker R.B.J., 1993. <i>Inside/Outside. International Relations as Political Theory</i>.</li> <li>Waltz Kenneth, 1979. <i>Theory of International Politics</i>.</li> </ul> <b>Articles de référence</b>|| <ul> <li>Bigo Didier, Walker R.B.J., 2007. « Political Sociology and the Problem of the International », <i>Millennium. Journal of International Studies</i>, 35(3) : 725-739.</li> <li>Bonditti Philippe, 2011. “Tracer les individus, effacer les frontiers”, <i>CERISCOPE Frontières</i>.</li> <li>Cardoso Fernando Henrique, 1979 [1971]. “The Internationalization of the Market. The New Nature of Dependency”, In: <i>Dependency and Development in Latin America</i>, Berkeley/L.A.: University of Berkeley Press, pp. 149-171.</li> <li>Cox Robert, 1981. « Social forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory », <i>Millenium. Journal of International Studies</i>, 10(2): 126-135.</li> <li>Dalby Simon, 2015. “Anthorpocene Formations : Environmental Security, Geopolitics and disaster”, <i>Theory, Culture and Society</i>, 0(0) : 1-20.</li> <li>Duffield Mark, 2007. “Permanent emergency and decolonization”, In <i>Development, Security and Unending War: Governing the Worlds of People</i>, Cambridge: Polity, pp. 32-64.</li> <li>Escobar Arturo, 1997. “The Making and Unmaking of the Third World”. In: M. Rahnema, V. Bawtree, eds., <i>The Post-Development Reader</i>, London: Zed Books, pp. 85-93.</li> <li>Escobar Arturo, 1999. “The Invention of Development”, <i>Current History</i>, 98(631): 382-386.</li> <li>Foucault Michel, 2004. “Leçon du 22 mars 1978”, dans <i>Sécurité, Territoire, Population. Cours au Collège de France 1978.</i></li> <li>Freyre Gilberto, 1986 [1933].<b> </b>Two first prefaces to the English edition. In: <i>The Masters and the Slaves. A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilization</i>. Berkeley, Los Angeles/London: University of California Press.</li> <li>Galtung Johan, 1971. “A Structural theory of Imperialism”, <i>Journal of Peace Research</i>, 8(2)