Invited lectures

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)



General knowledge of management and good comprehension of english.


Guest lecturers will present different topics that complement the courses offered in M2 IM.


Topics will include the following:

1. Marketing Management in Non-profit and Public sector. This application-oriented course aims at broadening the strategic and operational aspects of marketing management especially in non-profit and public sector. The strategic part of the course deals with marketing planning, focussing on situation analysis, target and strategic planning, social entrepreneurship. As for the operational part of the course, the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion) will be discussed on examples from different countries, especially with emphasis on Non-profit sector and Education. Also, Social and Nongovernmental marketing management will be discussed.


The Role of Leadership in the Management Process: Real cases of Eastern and Western Europe’s Companies that enlight the personal traits of the leader. The leadership skills and how to develop them in the business envirnonment as the basic element of this teaching programme.

Besides that, the innovative system Management by Missions is to be explained during the sessions in a basic practical approach. The course defines how to deploy the mission and the values of the organization through leadership and systems designed to achieve that goal.

3. Supply Chain Management: Supply chain integration (which may or may not include a game)

4. Open innovations: introduction to crowdsourcing and crowdfunding; practical examples; make up your own; evaluation.


Modalités d'enseignement

Depending on the guest lecturer: it includes presentation; role play; serious games...

Examen : coeff. 1
