Press review

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Allison LEIGHTON, Christophe Leroux



To have a B1-B2 level in English/ To be interested in the English press and journalism


Students should be able to analyse/paraphrase/discuss/report/debate the press in all it’s aspects, including television/newspapers/internet articles etc...

They should be able to determine if the source is bias or non bias.

They should be able to present a television newscast in it’s entirety(news/weather/special reports/sports/interviews etc...


The course involves discussing how to analyse a newspapr article.

How to read same article

How to write and analyse headlines

How to write an article for a news source

Writing said article

How to analyse a TV broadcast(local and national

How to present a TV news broadcast

Presenting a TV news broadcast(Final Oral)


Modalités d'enseignement

The course is 12 hours.

The teacher will use the British/American press to prompt the students into discussion.

To talk about current events, but also how they follow and understand the press.

Grammar also includes compound nouns/past simple and various grammar and non grammar forms used to create headlines and write articles.

Watching past TV reportage(September 11,2001) or current event

Other forms of news are also discussed.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1
