Professionalising workshop: EU public affairs and lobbying

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Laurence MODREGO



The course can serve as a practical introduction to the EU political system although it would be best if students started the course with prior basic understanding of the EU decision-making system.


The course’s aim is two-fold: introducing students to EU public affairs, a professional sector which presents one of the main work opportunities for them; and training them to the professional skills and in-depth knowledge of EU institutions that are expected in the EU work place.


In this course students will take part in a simulation exercise on the EU Green Deal, the European Commission's plan for greening the European economy. Each student will take on a specific role picked amongst the various EU stakeholders that are active on the EU Green Deal, develop a lobbying strategy and learn about the tools and tactics that are commonly used to influence EU institutions.

In the course, students will:

- analyse the raison d'être for the EU Green Deal, the plan itself, related policy proposals and the interest groups active on it.

- take part in a simulation exercise: students will represent an EU stakeholder and defend its position as if they were taking part in a hearing at the European Parliament.

- explore the details of the legislative process, the dynamics within each EU institution and the main tactics that are used by interest groups to be heard by EU institutions.


Modalités d'enseignement

The course is designed as a workshop in which student’s active participation will be sought so that students grow new skills, which will help them stand out in future job interviews.

Contrôle continu : coeff. 100
