Public policy

Code Cours
Langue d'enseignement
Français, Anglais
Ce cours apparaît dans les formation(s) suivante(s)
Héléna Yazdanpanah, Alexia VENOUIL, Hugo D'ASSENZA-DAVID, Francisco Ramón Villaplana Jiménez, Francois Briatte



To take this course, the student should have successfully completed one course in political science and/or political sociology.


The objectives of this lecture are manyfold ; the student should be able to :
- Know the basic theoretical debates in the field of public policy analysis
- Mobilize concepts to analyze the different sequences of public policies
- Use public policy analysis to explore contemporary political and economic issues in France, in the USA and in the European Union


1. Public Policy : An Intoduction.
The Analysis of Public Policy: A quick historical perspective
Between a functionalist definition and a social construct: what is a public policy?
The Jones policy cycle

Part 1: De-constructing public policy

2. Solving problems? The construction of public problems and agenda-setting
What is a public problem?
Emergence and agenda-setting processes
3. Decision and implementation
Between voluntarism and non-decision ? Actors’ rationality, strategies and steering capacities. Implementation
4. Who governs ? Policy actors and networks inside out
Sociology of the elites approaches. Policy networks. From government to governance? « Outsiders » that matter. What role of politics in an era of « global governance » ?

Part 2: Policy change

5. Inertia as policies’ main characteristic
Incrementalism, actors’ interests, rationality; policy legacies; path dependence
6. When policies do change
Cognitive approaches ; Punctuated equilibrium; various forms of change & consequences

Part 3: An era of state crisis? Changes in public action

7. The unravelling of the State ?
Paradigm change; marketization & internationalization; European integration
8. The mutation of public action
The convergence debate; differentiated evolution of policy styles and the rise of the regulatory state.





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