
  • ESP 2019 officially started !

    ESP 2019

    The 1st session of the 2019 European Summer Program welcomed 98 international students to the University for the months of May and June.

    These international students come from countries such as : Canada, China, India, Mexico, the United States, Hong-Kong, and the Phillippines. The staff at ESP welcomed the students at Gare Lille Europe on May 27th and took them to their residences. At the University, they spend their mornings in French Language and Project Management classes along with spending their afternoons in classes or touring museums and the city itself.

    The European Summer Program has been running for the past 19 years with students from all around the world and is a great way to experience French culture.

  • 1st session of LILLE Short Term Programs 2019

    The University welcomes 44 Koreans and Australian students on its campus for the 1st 2019 session of the LILLE Short Term Program. Korean students, from Inha University, will attend an English curriculum. Australian students, from Queensland University of Techonoly and The University of Melbourne, will focus on Australia's role during WW1 through the lens of history and art (pictures, movies, paintings...). Students will also discover and experience French culture thanks to local and regional tours.

    Since its launch in 2016, the STP has welcomed more than 130 students from 4 countries. The program achieves a 100% satisfaction rate thanks to its personalized, all included service. 

    More information on our LILLE Programs

  • Nature en couleurs

    Exposition à l'Espace culturel

    Du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 18h

    Salle d'exposition 60 bd Vauban à Lille

    Contact :

  • Pierre Giorgini distingué pour La Tentation d’Eugénie

    Pierre Giorgini, Président-recteur de l’Université Catholique de Lille, a reçu le 12 novembre 2018 le Prix spécial de la section Économie politique, Statistique et Finances de l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques, sous la Coupole du Palais de l'Institut de France. Celui-ci lui est attribué pour son ouvrage La Tentation d’Eugénie. L’humanité face à son destin, Montrouge (Bayard), 2018. Ce prix, le Président-recteur de l’Université le considère comme la reconnaissance de son travail de réflexion, mais aussi comme le témoignage de l’environnement stimulant que constitue l’université qu’il préside.