Applied office tools to the professional world

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Program year


The student must know the functioning of a computer and the peripheral equipment (printer, mouse, etc.)
• Discovering the Office 365 environment, its communication and collaboration tools.
• Mastering the navigation with the Explorer of work and the use of the Cloud.
• Making Word documents with attractive layouts including tables, images and diagrams.
• Creating animated slideshows using PowerPoint including text, images, tables, graphics, sound and video.
This course trains the following professional skills:
- Knowing the trades, to learn the technologies and the techniques of communication
- Being able to work with all professional partners (agencies, companies, firms ...)
Connecting to your Office 365 space.
Discovering the Office 365 interface
Windows Explorer on the PC
OneDrive file management, file storage and organization, file sharing
Backups, versioning.

Getting started with Outlook 365 e-mail: sending, receiving, answering and forwarding messages, adding files to the message, retrieving attachments, using a contact list, following the rules of use

The basic functions of Word:
Typing and formatting text: indents, margins, tabs, bullets, brush, style creation, paragraph frames.
Layout tools: page break, header and footer, cover page, use of fields (date, author, page numbers ...).
Print options. Automatic table of contents from styles.
The creation and formatting of Word tables.
Inserting images and drawings, dressing the text.
Images compression
The section breaks and different orientations of the pages in the same document.

The main functions of PowerPoint:
Creating slides: choosing the layout and theme, adding, dragging and dropping slides, entering and formatting text slides.
Respect the graphic rules of a presentation. Tips for a successful presentation
The use of different masks.
The insertion of tables, graphics, images, drawings, sounds and videos in the slides.
Setting up SmartArt graphics
Animation of the slide show: transitions, animations, hypertext links to external files or Internet.
Creating custom slideshows.
Presentation tools: stylus, laser pointer, zoom and comments.
Using Presenter Mode
Creation of a presentation package including the files and fonts used.


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
15,00 Découverte des outils et fonctions du logiciel de façon progressive : alternance de manipulations dirigées pour l'apprentissage et d'exercices pratiques pour l'entraînement. Les exercices sont réalisés individuellement, chacun à son rythme.
Independent study
Travail personnel indicatif 15,00
Overall student workload 30,00
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Examen : QCM 1,00 4 40,00
Final Exam
1,00 2 60,00
TOTAL 100,00
