British History 1760-1914

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Jean Paul Rosaye



Great Britain from the Industrial Revolution up to WWI( 1760-1914)

The course deals with the evolution of British civilisation of the mid XVIIIth up to the early
XXth century.Processes and events are studied in a chronological order. It gives the different stages of the Industrial Revolution and the shift from a rural society to an industrialised one.The Victorian Era and Victorianism are then studied as proofs of political, social and cultural transformations up to
the Great War.


1- Introduction to the industrial society: an acceleration of history

2- Industrial Revolution, phase one

3- Industrial Revolution, Phase Two

4- The three major phases of the Victorian Period

5- Victorian Society

6- “Great transformation” of British Civilisation


Forms of instruction

Face à Face : 18H00 semestrielles

9 séances de 2H00

Travail personnel indicatif : préparation de textes distribués




Une BIBLIOGRAPHIE complète ainsi qu'un fascicule de textes sera remis à l'étudiant au début du semestre. En attendant, lire le classique Peter John, Pierre Lurbe &amp; Guillaume Clément, <em>Civilisation Britannique</em>, Hachette supérieure (10e ed. 2020)