British History : 1945 - 1990

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Suzanne Bray



Domestic Politics and Social Issues in Great Britain 1945 – 1991

  1. Preparing for peace / reconstruction

  • Nationalisation / centralisation

  • The beginnings of the Welfare State

  • Re-establishment of political identities (end of coalition,
    persistence of two-party system, decline of liberals / establishment and death
    of SDP)

    2. Economic questions

  • J.M. Keynes & Co

  • Sterling party / deflation / devaluation

  • From rationing to the affluent society and back to

  • The growth of an underclass

    3. Industrial relations

  • The role of the TUC and its relationship with the Labour party

  • Cooperation to conflict to decline of the unions

  • Questions of unemployment

  • Trade Unions

    4. The Arts

  • The beginnings of a government cultural policy

  • The swinging sixties and birth of pop music

  • Creation of teen culture

  • Culture & the regions / minorities

    5. The decline of established religion and the liberalisation of public morals

              • The “Honest to God” debate / rise of evangelicalism

              • The media / scandal / the invasion of privacy

              • Homosexuality / abortion / censorship, etc.

  • Britain as a pluralistic society





|| BIBLIOGRAPHY :|| D. THOMSON – <i>England in the Twentieth Century</i> – Penguin|| K.O. MORGAN – <i>The People’s Peace</i> – Oxford University Press|| A. CAIRNCROSS – <i>The British Economy since 1945</i> – Oxford University Press|| M. SMITH – <i>British Foreign Policy: Tradition, Change &amp; Transformation</i>