Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Béatrice Brigadeau, Irène Emorine-Germain, Christian Casimir
Bachelor in International Business
Program year


- Being open to self-questioning, relational dynamics and personal commitment.
- Having some experience in meeting (as a participant or a chairperson)
- Having a good command of the English language.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

- Know how to differentiate the different kinds of meetings;
- Prepare a meeting, start a meeting, conduct a meeting, conclude a meeting;
- Organize the methodology and the setting up of a meeting: define goals, short and long term objectives, choose aids and media, understand the concepts of time and space;
- Use appropriate facilitation techniques depending on the goals and time constraints;
- Identify and regulate disruptive behaviours and group phenomena;
- Monitor the meeting.
Facilitating or participating in meetings is essential in a business manager's life. This course aims to develop the students' life skills and professional skills in accordance with the meeting goals, the participants' and one's own personal goals.
This course is organized as a 2-day seminar (consecutive days), in groups of a dozen students. It offers individual exercises, scenarios and role plays, individual and group analysis through collective exchanges and theoretical inputs. This course requires an active participation and strong personal involvement. The concepts covered are :
- concrete organization: time, space, aids, synthesis, minutes, personalized action plan;
- The meeting progress : the different stages, from preparation to the conclusion;
- The main facilitation techniques;
- Roles, functions and statuses of the different protagonists: the facilitator, the secretary, the participants, guests;
- Disruptive behaviour and regulation: the flow of speech, stress management, silences, digressions.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 4,00 Through experiential exercises that they selected, students are confronted with themselves and others while conducting/participating in meetings. Then they can make good use of the concepts, which clarify their choices and ways of doing.
Coaching 4,00
Travaux dirigés 6,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 3,00
Recherche 3,00 Students have to question their experience of meetings, as a facilitator but also as a participant, and to find out about the related concepts, before, during and after the seminar.
Travail personnel
Charge de travail personnel indicative 5,00 The evening of the first day, students will have to go through what they learnt that day again and prepare concrete situations for the second day.
Overall student workload 25,00
The assessment focuses on the students' attitudes and behaviours during the seminar and the pertinence of their reflection (in their written papers) on what they experienced.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 14,00 1 75,00
Rapport écrit 5,00 1 25,00
TOTAL 100,00


Resources are available on IÉSEG-online, which will allow students to prepare for the seminar, guide their experiments and enrich their practices. -
"How to Conduct Productive Meetings" - by Donald L. Kirkpatrick – Paperback -
"Running Meetings : Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges" - by Harvard Business School Press (Compiler) - (Pocket Mentor) Paperback -
Internet resources
IESEG Online
Resources are available on IÉSEG-online, which will allow students to prepare for the seminar, guide their experiments and enrich their practices.