Financial Markets

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Christophe CATTOIR


Basic understanding of mathematics and statistics (standard deviation, covariance, linear regression, matrices).
Study portfolio options and the theory of financial markets, with emphasis placed on links between theory and applications know the basic principles of finance markets, understand the market and economic information and financial innovations.
Part 1: Actions
• Risk and performance indicators
• Attitude of investors toward risk
• Diversification and stock selection
• Market Model and Capital Market Line
• Equilibrium models of financial assets
• Share Valuation
• Efficient stock markets
• Portfolio Management Strategies
• The equity market in France
Part 2: Bonds
• The bond market in France
• Fixed income
Part 3: Options (treaty briefly; untreated in Master of Accounting Year 1)


Forms of instruction
36 hours of lectures and 12 hours of tutoring



Robert GOFFIN : "Principes de finance moderne" - Economica - Gestion - 6e édition - 2012.|| Jonathan BERK et Peter DeMARZO : "Finance d'entreprise", Pearson Education - 3e édition 2014|| Bertrand JACQUILLAT, Bruno SOLNIK et Christophe PERIGNON : "Marchés financiers: Gestion de portefeuille et des risques" - Dunod - 5e édition – 2014|| Jacques HAMON - Bourse et Gestion de portefeuille", Economica, 2e édition, 2005|| ELTON et GRUBER Modern portfolio: theory and investment analysis, Wiley, 9e édition, 2014|| Richard BREALEY, Stewart MYERS et Franklin ALLEN, "Principles of Corporate Finance", McGraw-Hill - 11è édition - 2013|| BROQUET, Robert COBBAUT, Roland GILLET et André VAN DEN BERG, : "Gestion de portefeuille" De Boeck - 4 e édition - 2004.