Global history

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)



- A good level of English.

- Familiarity with the main aspects of Modern and Contemporary History.

- Basic knowledge of world geography.


The main objective of Global History is to provide international relations undergraduate students with a general culture in world history. It proposes a series of methodological tools (terminology, chronology, marking events, historical processes, interpretation of the past, detection of anachronism, etc.) of use to understand the historical dimension of international politics and globalisation.

At the end of the course, students are expected to have a general knowledge and understanding of the main processes in world history, as, for example, sovereignty construction, cultural exchanges, colonialism/decolonisation, globalisation of the economy, conflict escalation, etc.


The topic of the course is the history of contemporary globalisation. This topic will be studied with regard to the three following parameters:

1.- Two main axes: geopolitics and global economy.

2.- Two main historical periods: Early Modern (1500-1800) and Late Modern (1800-1945).

3.- A non-exclusive-European approach.



PART 1: Governing the World: Geopolitics in Global History.

Early Modern Geopolitics.

Europe and Russia: Monarchy and Religion.

The Ottoman Empire, Iran and India: Islam and Multiculturalism.

Americas and Africa: Early Colonialism.

Late Modern Geopolitics.

Europe: Revolution and War.

Americas: Independence and US Hegemony.

Africa and Asia: Colonial Empires.

PART 2: The Road to Globalization: World Economy.

Early Modern Economy.

Economics: Mercantilism.


Early Capitalism.

Late Modern Economy.

Economics: Liberalism vs. Protectionism.




Forms of instruction

Because of the current Covid-19 crisis, it is very likely that Global History becomes an online course this year. In this case, every Saturday at 1pm. a course section will available on I-Campus on 2 different formats: slides and podcasts. Slides contain audiovisual material and podcasts explain thier content. Slides will remain available until the end of the year, while podcasts will be available for only one week. Each podcast has a duration of around 5 minutes. Professor Fernández Soriano will be available for any question or Zoom exchange on the week's slides and podcasts every Saturday from 10am to 1pm.

Lectures are supported on a wide range of audiovisual material: content slides, historical maps, illustrations, fragments of relevant films, etc.

