Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Daniel PION
Program year


- fundamentals of accountancy and financial analysis,
- interest rates and the structure of financial markets.
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the characteristics of the banking sector and the main challenges it has to deal with.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- understand different kinds of risks that might be encountered in the bank,
- clearly identify the major businesses that banks are involved in,
- understand the fundamentals of banking regulations and supervision,
- analyse balance sheets, income statements and a basic financial analysis of a bank,
- understand the most common professional terms used in banking .
> 1st part: the French banking and financial system
- the banking system: different status of finance companies, intermediation and transformation concepts, the basic risks involved in the banking industry, the major business lines developed by banks
- the financial system: quick review regarding the market’s structure, interest rates and its risks, introduction to interest rates swaps (illustration only: this is not a course about financial instruments)

> 2nd part: the French financial and banking system :
- bank regulations
- different formats of control, control and regulation organisms
- "prudentielle" regulation

> 3rd part: accounting and financial analysis of a bank:
- main accounting principles, balance sheet and P&L statement analysis
- key financial ratios,
- accounting choices and volatility >> some major impacts of the IFRS rules for the banks.

> Conclusion on the main objectives of a banking system:
Description of the current financial crisis and regulations settled


Forms of instruction
Class structure : The course is organised on different, progressive levels of difficulty. This allows the student: - to understand the basic banking concepts step by step - to build a strong knowledge regarding the banking system thanks to illustrations The course consistency is supported by links we make among topics we develop. Attendance is therefore highly recommended during the course but not compulsory.
Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Interactive class 16,00 la présence régulière aux 6 séances de cours conditionne la bonne assimilation des concepts
Independent study
Estimated personal workload 26,00 travail sur les polys et notes de cours + article de la profession + exercices et quiz d'application
Individual Project 8,00 travaux de recherche sur les sites internet des banques, analyse de leur communication financière
Overall student workload 50,00
The course grade is based on 1 assignment that should be done in teams and on a final exam.
- the report has not to be done in class, in team of 3 or 4 students (maximum 5) and it has to be delivered for the 28th of November (the topic is given the 7th of November)
- Academic calendar: from the 8/12 to the 19/12: studying for finals + exam
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Final Exam
Written exam 1,50 1 75,00
Continuous assessment
Participation 16,00 1 25,00
TOTAL 100,00