Introduction to Sociology

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Héléna Yazdanpanah



The purpose of this undergraduate course is to introduce students to important conceptual and theoretical issues in the field of social theory.

Over the course of the semester, we will investigate a range of theoretical propositions concerning such topics as agency, subjectivity, rationality, interdependence, cooperation, delegation, institutions and social change.

Throughout the lectures, sociology will be conceived of as an instrument to make sense of social enigmas. Inspired by the tradition of methodological individualism and rational choice theory, the core arguments of the course will rely on concrete examples from the varied subfields of the social sciences (history, economy, sociology, political science…).

Expected outcomes

At the end of the semester, students should have a sound knowledge of major tenets of social theory. They should also be able to understand and use fundamental sociological concepts.


1. Social theory
-What is sociology about? Three examples
-The sociological traditions: holism, functionalism and methodological individualism
2. Social action
-Action and the assumption of intentionality
-The desire-opportunity framework
3. Rationalities
-Rational choice theory
-Limitations of RCT (1): bounded rationality
-Limitations of RCT (2): non consequentialist rationalities
4. Interactions
-Social interactions and their consequences
-Game theory
5. Cooperation and collective action
-Cooperation and rationality
-Free riding and the problem of collective action
6. Collective decision-making
-Aggregation mechanisms
-A case study: the essence of decision
7. Institutions
-The principal-agent model of delegation
-Theories of bureaucracy
8. Sociology of change
-Innovation and diffusion
-Resistance to change


Forms of instruction

Cours en amphithéâtre avec support PPT

Examen : coeff. 1



Ce cours ne s'appuie pas précisément sur un manuel. Voici cependant quelques suggestions :|| Giddens, A, and Sutton, P. (2018) Sociology, 8th edition, Polity Press (any edition is good)|| Ritzer, G (2013) Introduction to sociology Thousand Oaks, Calif <a>Sage Publications,</a>|| Ferréol, G and Noreck, J-P. (2003) Introduction à la socologie. Armad Colin|| Llored, R ; Sociologie-Théories et analyses, Ellipses||||||