IT Management and Risk

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
P. Mariage (Université Catholique de Lille), V. Bracq (IBM)
Program year


Targeted skills : 31(311/312/313), 32(321/322/323), 33(331/332/333), 56(561/562), 71(711), 110(1102)

Risk management, which is taken into account in the development of the strategy and in all activities, is designed to identify events that may affect the functioning and therefore the viability of a company. It is designed to ensure the integrity of the information system and provide assurance that the cost must remain reasonable in relation to the issues.

In connection with the business process management and IT risk management, this module provides guidance for mapping an Information System and defining action plans to enable it to render the expected services.

The orientation is suitable for the engineering profiles of the areas of software development, big data, cyber security and connected objects, part of project management allows to integrate managerial profiles.

At the end of the course, the student will:

- Understand the challenges of an information system
- Be able to identify the processes implemented
- Know how to follow a method of risk analysis
- Be able to identify, analyze and classify risks
- Know how to design a business recovery plan

The case-of-use approach requires the acquisition of transversal skills such as taking into account a need, analyzing and proposing solutions, project management, group work, communication and restitution.
Based on the "experience", "concrete cases" of business problems are developed in favor of a controlled management of business processes. These cases will illustrate the necessary steps in the MOA (project owner or contractor for whom the work is being carried out) and the MOE (project management or technical integration).

This module covers the following topics:

- The functioning and the stakes of an information system
- The availability of an Information System
- The aspects of security (physical and logical)
- The methods of analysis and risk assessment
- The procedures for the definition of Activity Recovery Plans


Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Lectures - face to face 14,00
Mini-project 14,00
Independent study
Independent study 30,00
Overall student workload 58,00
