Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Renato MOSCA
Program year


Reading of the article "What makes a Leader"
Identify real situations when you had to deal with people with different drivers from yours
Recognize concrete situations when your leadership style worked and when it didn't in working groups. Bring those real example in class
Identify at least two concrete situations When and where do you need to influence other people
Open mind/Confidentiality/No judgement
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Understand the difference between what is management and what is Leadership
Learn the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence
Understand how to deal with people who have different drivers and styles from ours
Realise which leadership style to use according to maturity level of the team
Identify which are they key aspects that affect people during change and how to deal with them
Understand the crucial elements that motivate individuals
Use effectively positive and constructive feedback to develop invididuals
When and how to coach
Control behaviors in negotiations and conflict situation. Planning and executing negotiation
Identify influencing style to maximize results
Communicate effectively in English
Generate sustainable solutions for organizations
Compose constructive personal feedback and guidance
Employ state-of-the-art management techniques
The course will cover a series of key elements that contribute to define competences and behaviors of successful business leaders.
The course will cover the difference between management and leadership and why today Emotional Intelligence plays a crucial role in the ability of leaders.
The participants will have the possibility to learn key competences and to apply in class based on their own current reality and adapted on their real life situations. Identify why their leadership style and their influencing skills work with certain people and less with others.
There will be a good balance between theory and practical excersises, including group activities, role play, real life scenario and individual contributions.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 16,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 8,00
Recherche 6,00
Travail personnel
Group Project 12,00
Individual Project 8,00
Overall student workload 50,00
Students will be assessed based on:
- Active participation in class dynamics, activities and discussions (mobile phones, I pad and computer will not be needed for the course and shall be used only during breaks)
- Classroom group presentations
- Final negotiation exercise
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Présentation orale 0,00 0 30,00
Participation 0,00 1 40,00
Projet Collectif 0,00 0 20,00
Etude de cas 1,00 1 10,00
TOTAL 100,00


The seven habits of highly effective people: STEPHEN COVEY -
The one minute manager: KEN BLANCHARD, SPENCES JOHNSON -
The new leaders: D. GOLEMAN, R.BOYATZIS, A.MCKEE -
Leading without authority A. CHOPRA -
Bargaining for Advantage: G.Richard SHELL -
Coaching for performance J. WHITMORE -
The five disfunctions of a Tean - P. LENCIONI -
Who moved my cheese - S. JOHNSON -