Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Post-Graduate Program
Program year


Basic management accounting and financial accounting knowledge
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :Regarding costs:
• Identify the purpose of a business (its missions) and discuss the issues to be considered when setting the financial aims and objectives of a business.
• Explain the role of management accounting within a business and describe the key qualities that management accounting information should possess.
• Explain the changes that have occurred over time in both the role of the management accountant and the type of information provided by management accounting systems
• Define and distinguish between relevant costs, outlay costs and opportunity costs.
• Identify and quantify the costs that are relevant to a particular decision. (AACSB-LO3.A)
• Use relevant costs to make decisions. (AACSB-LO4.A)
• Set out relevant cost analysis in a logical form so that the conclusion may be communicated to managers. (AACSB-LO3.A)
• Deduce the full (absorption) cost of a cost unit( AACSB-LO5.C)
• Discuss the problems and the usefulness of full (absorption) cost information to managers.
• Describe the nature of the modern product costing and pricing environment. (AACSB-LO5.C)
• Discuss the principles and practicalities of activity-based costing. (AACSB-LO7.A)
• Explain how new developments such as total life cycle costing and target costing can be used to manage product costs. (AACSB-LO1.B)
• Explain the theoretical underpinning of pricing decisions and discuss the issues involved in reaching a pricing decision in real-world situations. (AACSB-LO7.A)
• Discuss the nature and role of strategic management accounting. (AACSB-LO7.D)
• Explain how management accounting information can help a business gain a better understanding of its competitors and customers. (AACSB-LO7.D)
Introduction to Management and Costs Accounting and Ethics of the Profession

I. Relevant costs for decision making
• Typologies of costs
• Relevance in short and long term decision making
• Full costing (absorption costing)

II. Costing and pricing in a competitive environment
• Activity Based Costing
• Target Costing
• Quality Costing

Conclusion: Costs Systems, Management Control and Performance Measurement


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 24,00
Lecture du manuel de référence 12,00
Travail personnel
Group Project 39,00
Overall student workload 75,00
Given that active participation is considered vital for the learning experience of the students, 15 % of the final mark will be based on the participation of students building on notes taken by the professor after each session and MCQs performed during the sessions.
A further 25 % of the final mark will be based on a group assignment, which assures that students practice the application of the covered management accounting techniques in teams. Each group will have to present briefly his work, this presentation will count as 10% of the final grade.
A final individual written exam (50%) assures that all topics covered during the course are evaluated in order to realize the key learning goals of the course.
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 24,00 1 5,00
Présentation orale 0,10 1 10,00
QCM 0,15 1 10,00
Examen (final)
Examen écrit 2,00 1 50,00
Projet Collectif 6,00 0 25,00
TOTAL 100,00


Management Accounting for Decision Makers, Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney. Pearson, 9th edition -