Mathematics 3

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Lhassan Habach


Maths in L1 Gestion
This is not a purely mathematical course, but it is an introduction to the mathematical tools used in economics and business (micro- and macroeconomics, finances, accounting, management of resources and production, marketing ...) .
Chapter 1: Managing resources (continuation of Maths L1)
1. Graph theory
2. The methods of scheduling:
a) PERT Method
b) Method of potentials
c) Gantt

Chapter 2: Primitives and integral calculus
Primitive of a function
1. Primitive concept
2. All primitives of a function
3. primitives research
1. Notion of integrals
2. Geometric interpretation of an integral
1. Chasles' relation, linearity, positivity
2. Average value of a function
Calculations of integrals
1. Use the table of primitives
2. Integration by parts


Forms of instruction
The course is divided into lecture and tutuorials. Each chapter refers to a theme or a specific problem encountered in economics or management science. The aim of this course is to present the corresponding mathematical tool, through the processing of various applications.



Jean-Pierre POSIERE, Mathématiques appliquées à la gestion, GUALINO EDITEUR, ||Alain PLANCHE (2003), Mathématiques pour économistes, 3ème édition, BUNOD, ||Rachid Zouhhad, Jean-Laurent Viviani, Françoise Bouffard, Mathématiques, épreuve 5, manuel et applications, Dunod, ||Alain GASTINEAU, 500 exercices corrigés de mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion, ECONOMICA, ||Patrick ROGER (2006), Mathématiques pour l’économie et la gestion, PEARSON Education,