MCQ Tests french part

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
ELODIE GOSSART, Segolene Perin



Middle school math and common sense!
Cognitive skills: General math knowledge, general logic, memorization, verbal reasoning, expression, argumentation.
Attitude: Willing to reflect and to work, has a mastery of key moments, capable of adapting to the rules of the game


Target different aspects of this type of test: Logic tests different types of series (i.e. names, letters, spatial, etc.) and middle school mathematic problems.

Preparing for general knowledge written portions for first year of "Grandes Ecoles de Commerce: Tage 2" and "Arpège" entrance exams.


Series: names, letters, and spatial.

You will be given several different techniques for spotting out different series and reacting to them accordingly to save time.
Mathematical problems: You will find all the mathematical concepts learned in middle school such as percentages, speeds, area, volumes, systems…
Intensive training in written aptitude tests: literary tests; comprehension and memorization of texts, verbal aptitude development and the handling of general knowledge questions.
Methodical preparation and sustained practical evaluation through short multi-choice question tests.


Forms of instruction

Organization of the course : 33 hours
Mathematical Section: 18 hours
Literary Section : 15 hours

Contrôle continu : coeff. 1



Annales du Tage 2.