Code Cours
Language of instruction
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Amandine RUAS
Program year


Students should have basic knowledge of the key concepts of Human Resources Management, Management and Organization Strategy.
- Understand the link between compensation and performance at individual level and company level:
- Be familiar with the main motivation theories in relation to compensation
- Apprehend the complexity of contemporary compensation systems and structures;
- Evaluate the pros and cons of compensation system and components in relation to performance management;
- Understand how compensation decisions are taken
- Analyze a compensation system in relation to firm strategy, culture and compensation philosophy
- Understand HR role in managing individual and team performance and building compensation systems
- Identify challenges regarding compensation when hiring, promoting, retaining and managing performance
- Understand internal and external constraints when building a compensation system
- Understand the role of performance assessment in pay-for-performance systems
- Understand market and law frameworks regarding compensation
- Get familiar with internal pay structures
- Apprehend compensation systems at international scale
PART ONE – Theoretical framework to understand the link between performance and compensation at individual and company levels
(Definitions of concepts; Compensation and motivation theories: equity, tournament, expectancy; Evolution of compensation understanding throughout history; HR role in compensation building, rewarding and driving performance; Compensation as a performance leverage when hiring, retaining, promoting; Corporate governance and stakeholders of compensation decisions)

PART TWO – Understanding compensation systems and components in relation to performance management
(Pay systems: traditional, pay-for-performance, skills-based; Forms of compensation: fix and variable salary, individual and group incentives, bonus and merit, profit-sharing; Benefits: tangible vs intangible, compulsory vs discretionary; Aims, pros and cons of compensation components; Choosing, implementing and monitoring compensation systems)

PART THREE: Concrete approach to building a strategic, competitive and fair compensation system that impacts performance positively
(Internal and external constraints when defining compensation level, structure and evolution: company strategy, market, legal framework, internal job classification, individuals’ skills, potential and performance assessment; Compensation within global companies)


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours interactif 16,00 Lecture, discussion, debates and students' presentations.
Recherche 6,00 Readings will be required to prepare debates and group presentations and individual case study.
Lecture du manuel de référence 4,00 Readings will be required to prepare debates and group presentations and individual case study.
Travail personnel
Group Project 12,00 Preparation for group presentation and group wiritten paper.
Individual Project 8,00 Preparation for individual case study.
Overall student workload 46,00
Participation during class discussions (individual and in-class - 10%); Individual case study (at home; 40%); Group project (50%, assessed content as well as oral skills).
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Contrôle continu
Participation 16,00 1 10,00
exposé 0,50 1 50,00
Etude de cas 0,00 1 40,00
TOTAL 100,00


HENEMAN Robert L, Business-Driven Compensation Policies: Integrating Compensation Systems With Corporate Strategies, 2000 -
KOSS Shannon, Solving the Compensation Puzzle: Putting Together a Complete Pay and Performance System (Practical HR), 2008 -
WALKER Elaine, Compensation Basics for HR Generalists, 2006 -
SCHUSTER R. Jay, The new pay : Linking employee and organizational performance, 1999 -
JIANG Zhou, Total Reward Strategy: A Human Resources Management Strategy Going with the Trend of the Times, International Journal of Business and Management, 2009 -