Code Cours
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Pr. Carlos M. Rodriguez Ph.D.
Master GE
Program year


Students should have a:

Note: Taken and succesfully passed the first course in the series: Product Design and Innovation I (PDI I )

Basic understanding of consumer behavior concepts such as consumer decision marking process, beliefs, motivation, attitude formation, preference determination, intention to purchase, and shopping behavior.

Basic statistical concepts such as descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

Basic concepts of marketing research: marketing research process, research approaches such as exploratory, descriptive, and causal, interview tecniques and design of interview guide, survey methodology, questionnaire design, and fieldwork mechanics.

Basic marketing concepts such as segmentation, positioning, repositioning, product portfolio, product-market matrix, BCG matrix and product life cycle.

Knowledge about the design of marketing strategies and marketing mix elements: product, price, promotion, and place.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

Define the nature of product architectures. Understand the characteristics of a modular versus and integral architecture. Discuss the schematic design,clustering, and interaction analysis. Understand the power of product platforms and platform design in the front end planning of the new product development process.

Apply Taguchi's robust parameter design methodology: System design, parameter design, and tolerance design to the analysis of quality in product design. Identify sources of variation: control and noise factors and their impact on the performance of quality characteristics when evalatuing product designs. Apply the notion of quality loss function and signal to noise ratio.

Design, select, and apply Conjoint Analysis techniques and analize results to identify and describe all the attributes in a product design task. Design a complete conjoint anlaysis study to identify the absolute and realtive value (utilities) that each level of attributes contribute to the overall consumers' preference.

Understand the characteristics, use, and application of sketches, models, and prototypes by industrial designers and design engineers in the product design process. Design a brain sketching session to generate ideas through a cyclical model of the creative problem solving task.

Apply the theoretical background behind emotional design, its elements, and components to the design of products and services. Implement ergonomic and usability requirements in the design of the overall consumer experience from an emotional design perspetive.

Apply the Kansei effective enginnering process to the analysis of emotions in products: domain analysis, collection of kansei words, development of semantic differential scales, collection of sample products, evaluation, and statistical analysis (Quantification Theory I, Multiple regression with dummy variables, Partial least squares linear regression, and Catreg).

Apply different instruments to measure emotions in product design: Product Emotion measurement (PrEmo2) and Geneva Emotional Wheel (GEW).
This course is second of a series of two consecutive course in the area of product design, development, and innovation. This course PDI II ( Product Design and Development II ) discusses critical topics such as Taguchi Robust models, Kansei Emotional Design methodology, Conjoint Analysis, and diverse techniques in sketching, brainsketching, prototyping, and modeling.


Product Architectures and Platforms: Modular vs. Integral Architecture, Product Family Evolution, Schematic Design, Clustering, and Interaction Analysis.

Robust Design and Specifications: Taguchi Methods, Quality Loss Function, Design Parameters, Cause-Effect Diagrams.

Conjoint Analysis in Product Design: Product Choice: Decision Rules, Components of a typical Conjoint Analysis Study, Utility Preference Models, Variety of Conjoint Analysis Methods and Applications

Prototyping in Product Development: Sketching, Models, and Types of Prototypes, Industrial and engineering Design Models, Objectives and Classficiation of Prototyping, Design and Rapid Prototyping.

Emotional Design and Methodology: Emotions in Product Design, Kansei Methdology, Quantification Theory I, Product Personality, Character, and Mood Considerations, Tools to design Emotions (Geneva Emotion Wheel, GEW and PrEmo techniques).

Product Evaluation: Design for Cost, Manufacture, Assembly, and other Measures.


Type Amount of time Comment
Cours magistral 16,00 Attendance to Class is Compulsory Every Day
Lecture du manuel de référence 12,00 Reading and Studying Material
Travail personnel
Group Project 12,00 Experiential Learning Component and Problem Based Learning Application
Overall student workload 40,00
The assessment is based on in class participation and group experiential exercises in addition to an applied project carried out during the next two weeks after the class ends.


Textbook: "Product Design and Innovatrion: Analytics for Decision Making", ISBN 13: 978-1523202836, Createspace Publishers, USA. Author: Carlos M. Rodriguez Technical Notes Exercises: The instructor has prepared several experiential learning exercises. - -