Project 1st Semester

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Projects & Internships
Training officer(s)
JM.CAPRON, M.Morelle
Program year


- Undertake a study to respond to the need of a company, a laboratory, or a professor. The area of study is unique to each subject; the objective is to apply concepts studied in class and also to enhance knowledge by personal research within the confines of outlined projects.
-Apply project stages in group work.
-Be able to present the work in an academic defense.
-Ensure the project outline is given, and turn in a detailed report that allows for use and follow up of the product developed.
To begin with, students will choose a subject from a list suggested by instructors. Subjects describe situations where companies would like solutions to a given problem. The areas addressed will cover one or several of the disciplines taught at the university.

The work will be done in groups (of two or more), under the supervision of a teacher who will direct the work. Each group will have the freedom to organize themselves as they wish but must debrief the 'client' and/or supervisors on a regular basis.

In this way, project stages taught in course will be applied in practice. A collaborative website will be used so that each group member, student or supervisor, will be informed of the real working rate of project advancement and may have access to the various working documents.

For a majority of suggested subjects, the study will terminate with the production of a product (application or function).


Academic Defense: 15%
Methodology of Project: 25%
Technical Product/Result: 60%
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Final Exam
Defence 0,50 1 15,00
Project Report 0,00 0 85,00
TOTAL 100,00
