Code Cours
Teaching content
Mechanical engineering
Training officer(s)
Diplôme d'ingénieur
Program year


- Simple stress and stress calculation
- Knowledge in element insulation, and ability to model an isostatic straight girder and its support devices
- Knowledge in calculating the torsor of cohesion forces, and ability to draw the related diagrams
- Knowledge in calculating the deformation of a straight girder
Students are required to deal with different stress methods, and tackle calculations of resistance and deformation, of work pieces under simple or compound loads.
Moreover, they are to study the following structures: trusses, curved beams, trestles, membranes and shells.

Students will also be taught
Finally, the courses will tackle the principles of structure instability.
Course :
- Summary of previously tackled concepts, definitions and calculus of internal forces
- Characteristics of cross-sections
- General concepts and hypothesis of neutral fiber structures – internal forces

Stresses and Deformations :
- Torsion, traction – compression stresses
- Bending and shearing force
- Compound loads

Structure calculation:
- Statically indeterminate systems (superposition method, energetic method)
- Instability, buckling (Euler)
- Trusses, trestles, curved beams, introduction to plates (membrane) and shells (bending)
- Material characterization
- Behaviour of girder structures (internal forces, deformations)
- Trusses, curved beams


Forms of instruction
- Cours magistral - Travaux Dirigés - Travaux Pratiques
Type Amount of time Comment
Présenciel DE
Vorlesung 46,00
Vorlesung 46,00
Hinweise zumstudieren
Durchschnittliches Arbeitspensum 20,00
Durchschnittliches Arbeitspensum 20,00
Overall student workload 132,00


. Guide de mécanique. Sciences et technologies industrielles. . Paris : Nathan, 2003 - - J.-L. Fanchon
Résistance des matériaux, tomes 1 et 2. Paris : Dunod, 1993 - - S.P. Timoshenko.
. Résistance des matériaux, tomes 1 et 2. Paris : Dunod, 1997 - - A. Giet et L. Géminard.
Résistance des matériaux. Paris : Dunod, 1993 - - M. Kerguignas, G. Caignaert.
. Structures et matériaux. Paris : Belin, 1994 - - J.E. Gordon.
. Guide de mécanique. Sciences et technologies industrielles. . Paris : Nathan, 2003 - - J.-L. Fanchon
Résistance des matériaux, tomes 1 et 2. Paris : Dunod, 1993 - - S.P. Timoshenko.
. Résistance des matériaux, tomes 1 et 2. Paris : Dunod, 1997 - - A. Giet et L. Géminard.
Résistance des matériaux. Paris : Dunod, 1993 - - M. Kerguignas, G. Caignaert.
. Structures et matériaux. Paris : Belin, 1994 - - J.E. Gordon.