Statistics 4

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)


Basic concepts in Maths
Show the student the importance of statistics in a timely tool for decision support. The student must, for example (and the list is not complete), be able to accurately estimate
? safety stock,
? market share,
? an a.c.,
? the revenue generated by a new tax based on income distribution of a population,
? the maximum duration of a project to check whether deadlines will be met,
? the quality of a lot received
? the average wait in a queue,
? etc.
? These calculations may thus assist in professional life
? to better manage logistics
? to better manage the marketing approach,
? to validate the production of a new product,
? fund new initiatives being sure not to be no deficit,
? harmonize reporting customers / suppliers
? timely product delivery,
? calculate the profit obtained by the opening of an additional fund a hypermarket,
? etc.
Theme 1: combinatorial analysis
Chapter 1: Combinatorial analysis
Theme 2: general properties
Chapter 2: Probability
Chapter 3: Conditional probabilities, independent events, product probability
Chapter 4: Variable random probability distribution, distribution function.
Chapter 5: moments
Thème 3: the main laws
Chapter 6: The Binomial Law
Chapter 7: The normal distribution Law
Chapter 8: Poisson Law
Chapter 9: Tchébyschef Inequality
Chapter 10: theorem - Central limit
Theme 5: Estimation
Chapter 11: Samples
Chapter 12: Point Estimation
Chapter 13: Estimation by interval


Forms of instruction
Instruction is provided in the form of lectures accompanied by tutorials sessions. The exercises are twofold: finding solutions by applying the theoretical concepts taught and whether or not the cases studied allow microcomputer simulation to validate theoretical results


