US Politics and Pol. Institutions: continuity & change

Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
This course occurs in the following program(s)
Training officer(s)
Lionel Hurtrez



Forms of instruction

The success of this course depends on the active participation of all class members. Thus, attendance at all class meetings is a natural expectation of the course. In order to allow you to develop more in-depth knowledge or a broader perspective on American politics, you will find a list of podcasts that I believe will be interesting for you at the end of this syllabus. Please try to listen to one a week.
Each session comes with some reading suggestions. Please use them.

1. A group work consisting in a prepared debate (groups of 3-4) on a chosen
topic. 40%
2. A reading report of a set of documents on a topic chosen from a list that will be
given in class. In this report, the student is asked to identify the questions
raised by the documents and analyze the way in which these documents
address the issue. 60

