Code Cours
Language of instruction
French, English
Teaching content
Training officer(s)
Laetitia Scamps, Anne Chounavelle (L), Isabelle Hada (P), Emilie Duval (P)
Course for exchange students
Program year


Level A1.1 complete beginner : the student can introduce him/herself in an easy way. Can ask basic questions to someone and can also answer the same kind of questions. Can communicate in a basic way if the interlocutor speaks clearly and slowly and shows cooperation.
Understand and use common, daily expressions as well as very simple terms which aim at satisfying concrete needs. The student will be able to introduce themselves or somebody else and ask relevant questions (place of residence, acquaintaces, etc.) They will also be able to answer similar types of questions. The student will be capable of communicating in a very basic way as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly. © Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues
TALKING ABOUT ONESELF, TALKING ABOUT OTHERS : introducing oneself and others / describing somebody's physical appearance and character EXPLORING THE NEIGHBOURHOOD : locating objects (revision) / using a map / understanding interdictions and permissions in public places / describing one's district / giving one's opinion about it / talking about weather (and weather forecast) DAILY LIFE : talking about one's schedule and about daily activities / taking an appointment / talking about past activities. GASTRONOMY : knowing about French specialities / reserving a table / ordering and paying at a restaurant


Forms of instruction
interactive courses, projects, presentations
Type Amount of time Comment
Face to face
Interactive class 30,40
Independent work
E-Learning 5,00
Independent study
Estimated personal workload 12,00
Group Project 2,20
Overall student workload 49,00
Continuous assessment : including a mark for course participation and various oral and written exercises.
- An examination grade will also be given based on a speaking test + a listening test.
- A last mark will be given for the final written exam
Control type Duration Amount Weighting
Continuous assessment
Continuous assessment 1,20 2 40,00
Participation 30,40 1 10,00
Final Exam
Oral exam 1,20 1 10,00
Oral exam 1,20 1 15,00
Written exam 1,20 1 25,00
TOTAL 100,00