ISTC - Master Droit économie gestion - Mention Marketing vente - Parcours Stratégie & Communication

Semester 1

Etape de formation
Semester 1
Début des cours
Fin des cours
Crédits ECTS

  Cours Période Etablissement Prof. responsable Coef. Crédits
1 POLE 1 - Knowledge, languages - UE 1 - 2.00
  Geopolitics S1 ISTC V.DURET - 1.00
  Research methodology S1 ISTC M.GHASSEMI - 1.00
  Sector practicing S2 ISTC V.DURET - 0.00
2 POLE 2 - Strategies - UE 2 8,00 16.00
  Firm Strategy S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Business strategies: Marketing & communication strategy S1 ISTC A.VAN LANCKER 2,00 4.00
  Strategic Management S1 ISTC V.DURET 0.00
  Audit Methodology / Seminar C4 S1 ISTC P.GROS 0.00
  Performance managing S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Employer brand S1 ISTC V.FILLION 3.00
  Ethics S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Sustainable development S2 ISTC V.DURET 2.00
  Brand & copy strategy S1 ISTC S.VIOLETTE 1.00
3 POLE 3 - Personal development and soft skills - UE 3 2,00 2.00
  Negotiation S1 ISTC I.MACHUT 2,00 2.00
  Soft skills : Priorities management S1 ISTC V.DURET 0.00
  soft skills : resilience developing S1 ISTC V.DURET 0.00
  Employability S1 ISTC P.GROS 0.00
  TOEIC preparation S1 ISTC A.AUDUREAU 0.00
4 POLE 4 - Management - UE 4 6,00 6.00
  Projects management 360° S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Advertiser-Agency Relationship S1 ISTC S.VIOLETTE 2,00 2.00
  Manager's HR function S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  HR Culture S1 ISTC V.DURET 0.00
5 Communication techniques and innovation - UE 5 14,00 19.00
  Organisation of opinion leaders S1 Animation des leaders d'opinions V.DURET 2,00 1.00
  Social media strategy S1 ISTC L.DAMME 2,00 2.00
  Public Relations S1 ISTC V.DURET 0.00
  Digital project management S1 ISTC E.ROUSSEL 1.00
  Analytics S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Traffic management S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 2.00
  Omnichannel Customer's path S1 ISTC V.DURET 2.00
  Data & customer marketing S1 ISTC V.DURET 1.00
  Emailing strategy & E-Crm S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 1.00
  Display & Media S2 ISTC C.VILAIN 2.00
  Editorial strategy & brand content S1 ISTC V.DURET 2,00 1.00
  Creative workshop S1 ISTC S.VIOLETTE 2,00 1.00
  Digital creative design S1 ISTC MA.D'HULST 1.00
  Images S1 ISTC S.RAZEMON 1.00

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